Saturday, July 14, 2007

The time is almost here . . .

Well after six months of planning, I'll be in leaving for Cameroon Thursday! So much has been going on that I haven't been able to update the blog as often as I want. In addition to finishing up projects at my full-time job, I was teaching a summer school class at a local university. I've also inherited a potentially lucrative project from a friend AND I've been working on a slide presentation for CITEC--more about that in another blog post. And lastly, I've been challenged physically--but not to the extent that I'm reconsidering the trip. I'm going--even if they have to wheelchair me to the airport :-)

So here's a checklist of accomplishments:
**Video camera and accessories. (My tripod doesn't match the camera but I can find a workaround)
**Safety due diligence (inquires/assurances about where I'll, how to stay safe, registration with the embassy)
**Safety items (concealed money containers, personal alarms, etc.)
**Packing (mostly done, need a few more personal items)
**Vaccinations (shots completed; will start taking malaria medicine two days before departure)
**Language (know a FEW essential French phrases)
**Personal appearance ( trip to the hair stylist and makeup purchases today)

Houston, we're 98% clear for take off!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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