Monday, May 28, 2007

That darn documentary . . .

Still haven't begun shooting my video on preparing for the trip. Between my illness and my producing partner being incredibly busy, I haven't been able to start. And I still haven't purchased the camera!

However, I've been feeling much better lately, which encourages me not to postpone the trip and start recording some footage on getting prepared. My producing partner is still swamped so another good friend has offered to help me shoot until he's available. So now I'm going online to find an affordable camera. I HOPE within the next few days I'll post details about my new camera.

You know while I have some downtime, it might be good to shop for items such as hiking shoes and other accessories designed for the trip.

peace . . .

Getting a visa

I'm now working on getting my Visa. So far this is what I have two photos for visa application, bank statements, passport, and travel itinerary. Now I have to get my yellow fever vaccination. When that's done I'll submit all the items to one of the companies I found on the Internet that processes visas.

My main concern is submitting my passport to one of these companies. I know they do this everyday, but I feel it would just be MY luck that they lose my passport. Then I'll have scramble at the last minute to get a replacement. And I just have last minute stress!!!

Hopefully this won't happen and I'll obtain my visa without any problems.

Slight change in plans . . .

Since my last post I've decided not to stay the entire trip with BEDERUP. Instead I'm going to stay most of the time in Yaounde with the CAMBCITEC organization. Why? A day or so after my last post I heard from my CAMBCITEC contact. He offered me free room and board at their facilities. Although I've already paid for my lodgings in BEDERUP, I thought about the offer. They are located in the capitol city, which means better access to amenities such as bottled water and better internet access. My kidney issues require a large intake of water. I worried being out in the bush with BEDERUP that getting bottled water might be a problem. Also being out from hospitals might be a problem. (Although I'm REALLY not that worried about being hospitalized. I've been doing much better lately. Good for me :) I want to be able to stay in touch with family while I'm there. With BEDERUP, communication might be more of a challenge.

So I took CAMBCITEC up on their offer. I plan to leave CAMBCITEC for a couple of days and visit BEDERUP and offer to do long distance help such as writing proposals and so on for them. If I can arrange it I will try to visit the other organization that was interested in me volunteering with them.

I haven't heard from my BEDERUP contact lately. I'll contact him soon and inform him of my change of plans. I'll tell him to keep my payment for room and board as a charitable contribution, with the exception of the couple of days or so that I will visit with them.