Thursday, April 12, 2007

Very interesting opinions from friends

I have friends who are concerned about me going on the trip, especially in reference to my health. As I've noted in a previous post I have a chronic kidney ailment. Many of my days for the past year or so have been agonizing. Yet, I keep moving on the best I can with the hopes I can conquer it or at the very least manage it effectively.

My friends see me daily and know how I suffer. Since it's already mid-April and I haven't progressed as much as I had hoped by now, they are urging me to postpone this trip until next year.

I have to admit I've had these thoughts too. I don't want to be a burden on my hosts or for that matter to myself. For example, I need to drink almost a gallon of water a day to feel good. I need water like a diabetic needs insulin. Will I be able to get that much clean water each day? I hope I'm not being ignorant by wondering about this. However, since we'll be in a remote village I have to ask. They may be offended that I think they might not have clean drinking water. I base this concern because of the limited press coverage of Africa. We in the US probably only hear all the bad stuff--droughts, famines, wars, etc. Not all locations in Africa may not have this problem.

I'm optimistic. I still believe BeLinda can do anything she sets her mind to do. But admittedly my kidneys and I don't see eye-to-eye on this. So I've decided to ask my doctor's opinion about it. I've also decided to monitor the month of June. If I can have at least 90% of that month with no incidents of pain and fatigue, then I'll feel more confident in going. If not, I'll postpone until 2008.

Life can never be simple. But I guess that's what makes life interesting . . .

1 comment:

airwolf said...

Your friends are right! They care for you and are concerned about you going on this trip. However, taking this trip, contributing to the NGO, and keeping your ailments at bay would be an empowering thing. But, I can see how difficult it can be. Not many would even consider taking a trip, especially to one that would take them 1000's of miles from home and comfort.

Perhaps taking a trip now would be the best time. Who knows what will happen in the next year. Other problems, other concerns. JUST GO FOR IT!!

Listen, when you get to your final destination, you won't be asked to hike miles on end to find food, water, and supplies. You will, most likely, be in an air conditioned office working on proposals and the like. The conditions you will be exposed to won't be rigorous, I assume. The fact that you are there, contributing and showing progress, they will worship the ground you walk on. If all else fails, you can have UPS or FEDEX ship water to you. (What can brown do for you, right?)

Also, there are iodine pills that clean unpurified water. If you doctor tells you that your body can hack such pills you have one less concern. Africa, although a third world locale, isn't that bad, I mean, try to get news from the local region you are visiting to alleviate any concerns.

To illustrate, a band of friends went to a southern state of Mexico. While there, they were afraid of being assaulted, kidnapped, robbed, and/or killed. In fact, everyone they encountered in Mexico were hospitable and charming. The same will happen to YOU!

Hasta Pronto!