Thursday, April 12, 2007

Invitation letter from BEDERUP is here

Right after I published the previous post, I checked my email and discovered my invitation letter.

So I guess I gotta go now :-)

I'll contact the other groups and let them know officially that I'm committed to BEDERUP. And I'm calling BEDERUP tomorrow to acknowledge receipt and have a frank conversation about my health. I want them to know the truth. At first I wanted to hide it so they wouldn't reject me. But now I feel I need to discuss it so I can manage myself while I'm there. I'll let them know my need for water. They also need to know I don't eat meat. Animal protein isn't good for me and I want them to know it so no one is offended when I have to refuse. I'm not sure if being a vegetarian insults them culturally. Probably not, but you never know and the only way to know is to ask!

I'm excited and happy. Now I need to focus on feeling well and starting a video shooting schedule to document this.

1 comment:

airwolf said...


You've finally made a decision!

It is wise to tell them the truth so that when something does happen, they won't be shocked.

Have fun focusing on BEDERUP!!!

Later Alligator