Saturday, January 27, 2007

Weighing my options: HINT

I sent the same set of questions to HINT. I did receive a response within a couple of hours, but it seemed to be a response from my online application on their website. Not sure if the timing of the online application response was coincidental, or the contact responded to my set of email questions with the online application response. So I'll just wait a few days to see if anyone responds directly to the questions.

Interestingly enough, I was able to find some information about HINT via Google searches. I found a couple of online blogs from volunteers. Some posts seem as recent as last week. (here and here)
They are perhaps still there. It seems the HINT contact (TG) is an highly educated minister, with an influential ministry in Buea. The blog postings were very helpful. The volunteers showed pictures of the people. They seem extremely nice and hospitable. I saw pictures of TG's family. Very sweet and adorable. The volunteers never indicated an awful experience.

I hope HINT responds to my questions. It's important in my decision making process that the groups answer the questions. Even though they might find it annoying or insulting, a organization should be prepared to answer the hard/direct questions--if just to share the pride they have in what they do and to show the world (volunteers) you have nothing to fear by coming here. (And yes, I know there are no guarantees to anything, regardless of how much effort goes into providing safety and a great experience!)

BERUDEP and REPERID are my first choices because they are in the northwest province--where the Tikar people originate. I'd be closer to my 'roots'. HINT is located in the southwest province. But I suppose fate ultimately determines where I land. In fact, who knows? It might be an organization not on my original list. I should perhaps do more research and seek out other Cameroonian development organizations, if they exist.

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