Thursday, January 25, 2007

Weighing my options: BERUDEP

Here are the initial questions I submitted to BEDERUP. I hope Cameroonians don't have a problem with directness :-)
  • I just want to confirm that you can have someone to meet me at the Yaounde airport and accompany me to Belo. Will this require a fee? If so, how much (in American dollars)?
  • What types of writing projects will I possibly be assigned? Will I be working in an office?
  • How will I be able to see other parts of Cameroon? And what parts will I be able to see? For example will the sightseeing be restricted to Belo and the immediate surrounding areas?
  • Is Internet access easily available? I'd like to use Skype to contact friends and family. What's the cost of Internet connection (in American dollars)?
  • I'm planning to do a video documentary about my trip and experiences. Will people find it uncomfortable being filmed? Will you and the staff at Berudep be willing to be interviewed for the documentary?
  • Are there any cultural difference I should be aware of as an American and as a woman? For example, will there be any objections if I wear pants or blue jeans? I read that Cameroonians consider pointing and crossing legs when sitting as an insult. Is this true?
  • Where do you principally obtain your funding? Charitable organizations? Governmental organizations? Private donations?
  • Is there anything I need to know about the political climate in the northwest province or Cameroon in general so I won't make any diplomatic mistakes? I want everyone to like me ;-)
  • Your site is quite thorough about what to bring and wear. I know July is in the middle of rainy season. Are we talking about torrential downpours or just constant steady streams of rain? Can I expect to see any sunny days?
  • Can you point me to a source that discusses the vegetation in the area? Sometimes I suffer from plant and mold allergies. I want to make sure if I should bring allergy medication.
  • As a woman traveling alone so far away from home, are there any special precautions I should take to ensure my personal safety? Will I be around people all the time to ensure safety?
Stay tuned for the responses . . .

1 comment:

Aaron said...

Berudep looked cool to me too. I wish they had more pictures though!! your imagination runs wild.